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Medication Errors

Medication Errors
Paper details:
? Introduction-
? Offers a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.
? Identifies the clinical issue which is the topic of the Capstone evidence based clinical paper.
i. A clinical issue or problem drawn from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint:
1. Assurance of a safe and effective care environment
2. Health promotion and maintenance of health
3. Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity
4. Preservation of the patient population ’s physiological integrity
? Patient Population: Identifies the patient population that is impacted by the clinical issue.
? Importance: Explains the importance of the clinical issue to the health of the patient population as well as identify the potential long-term negative effect if the clinical issue is not addressed.
? Exploration of the literature-
? Background: Provide summary of background information in describing the clinical issue:
i. The effect of the clinical issue on the population of interest.
ii. Identifies at least one contributing factor.
iii. Identifies potential negative effects of leaving the clinical issue unresolved.
? Solution to the clinical problem- Propose the best solution for solving the clinical problem that
can be carried out by a nurse through the use of appropriate evidence based data: i. Peer-reviewed journal articles
ii. Scholarly sources
? Reference Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 1
Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines
In this Capstone paper, the student will have the opportunity to reflect on the knowledge and experience
gained in the baccalaureate nursing program. The student will gather background information on a clinical
problem affecting a particular population and will explore the literature in regard to the role nurses play in
addressing or relieving the issue.
CO # 3: Utilize information technology to manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision
making with health team members and consumers of care. (PO# 8)
CO # 4 Integrate critical thinking, clinical reasoning skills, best current evidence, clinical expertise,
and patient/family preferences/values in the implementation of the nursing process. (PO# 4)
Unless otherwise instructed by the faculty, this assignment is due to be submitted in the course drop box no
later the 12 am (midnight) on the Friday of Unit 3. The college’s Late Assignment Policy applies to this
200 points
Ultimately, the student will be required to produce an 8-10 page evidence-based paper addressing a
significant clinical issue. This evidence-based paper is due in two parts. In Part 1 of the Capstone Evidencebased
Paper assignment, due in Unit 3, the student will identify and begin exploring a solution to a clinical
issue. This first paper will provide the basis for, and will become part of, the Capstone Evidence-based
Paper Part 2 due in Unit 6.
• When selecting a clinical issue to be addressed in the assignment, the student is expected to
draw from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint: assurance
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 2
of a safe and effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance of health, the
preservation of the patient’s psychosocial and physiological integrity.
• Length of paper is 3-4 pages excluding the title page and the reference page.
• The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted
according APA 6th edition guidelines.
• Minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of the Capstone
Evidence-based Paper Part 1 assignment. (NOTE: An additional three (3) references will be required
for a minimum of six (6) peer-reviewed scholarly sources in support of the final Capstone Evidencebased
Paper Part 2.)
The assignment will include the following parts:
? Title Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
? Introduction-
? Offers a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.
? Identifies the clinical issue which is the topic of the Capstone evidence based clinical paper.
i. A clinical issue or problem drawn from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN
examination blueprint:
1. Assurance of a safe and effective care environment
2. Health promotion and maintenance of health
3. Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity
4. Preservation of the patient population ’s physiological integrity
? Patient Population: Identifies the patient population that is impacted by the clinical issue.
? Importance: Explains the importance of the clinical issue to the health of the patient population as well
as identify the potential long-term negative effect if the clinical issue is not addressed.
? Exploration of the literature-
? Background: Provide summary of background information in describing the clinical issue:
i. The effect of the clinical issue on the population of interest.
ii. Identifies at least one contributing factor.
iii. Identifies potential negative effects of leaving the clinical issue unresolved.
? Solution to the clinical problem- Propose the best solution for solving the clinical problem that
can be carried out by a nurse through the use of appropriate evidence based data:
i. Peer-reviewed journal articles
ii. Scholarly sources
? Reference Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 3
Points % Description
Introduction 25 12.5% ? Provides a detailed description of the statement of purpose for
the paper
? Identifies the clinical issue that will be discussed in the
Capstone Evidence-based paper
? Defines which one of the four main categories of the NCLEXRN
exam blueprint is impacted by the clinical issue
Identification of the
Patient Population
20 10% ? Identifies the patient population impacted by the clinical issue
Importance of
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
20 10% ? Provides a description of the importance of addressing the
clinical issue on the selected patient population
Background of the
Clinical Issue
25 12.5% ? Provides a background summary of the clinical issue:
o Identifies at least one contributing factor to the clinical
issue in the selected patient population
Potential Negative
Effect of Not
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
20 10% ? Identifies potential negative effects of leaving the clinical
issue unresolved. Among those may be, but not limited to:
o The patient population
o The health care system
o Other negative effects
20 10% ? Proposes the best solution for preventing or helping to resolve
the clinical issue that can be carried out by a nurse
Role of the Nurse 20 10% ? Describes the role the nurse can have in preventing or helping
to resolve the clinical issue
Support for the
30 15% ? Provides a minimum of 3 references retrieved from:
o Peer-reviewed scholarly journals
o Scholarly sources
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 4
Points % Description
APA 6th edition
Format, Grammar
and Punctuation
20 10% ? Uses clear and correct grammar.
? Uses proper sentence structure and flow.
? Adheres to all APA 6th edition formatting guidelines for title
page, margins, and in- text citations.
Total Points = 200
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 5
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
(25 points)
Completely sets the stage for
selecting the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Offers a detailed description of
the statement of purpose for
the paper. Defines which of
the four main categories of the
NCLEX-RN exam blueprint is
impacted by the clinical issue.
(23-25 points)
Begins to set the stage for
selecting the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Identifies most but not all of
the details describing the
statement of purpose for the
paper. Defines which of the
four main categories of the
NCLEX-RN exam blueprint is
impacted by the clinical issue.
(21-22 points)
Minimally addresses the
clinical issue in terms of the
impact on the health of a
patient population. Describes
in general terms the details
describing the statement of
purpose for the paper. Defines
which of the four main
categories of the NCLEX-RN
exam blueprint is impacted by
the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Does not address the clinical
issue in terms of the impact on
the health of a patient
population. Fails to define
which of the four main
categories of the NCLEX-RN
exam blueprint is impacted by
the clinical issue.
(0-18 points)
Identification of the
Patient Population
(20 points)
Patient population clearly
(19-20 points)
Patient population partially
(17-18 points)
Patient population minimally
(16 points)
Identification of patient
population missing completely
or lacking in description.
(0-15 points)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 6
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
Importance of
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
(20 points)
Establishes a clear description
of the importance of
addressing the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the importance of
addressing the clinical issue.
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of addressing the
importance of the clinical
(16 points)
Makes reference to addressing
the clinical issue but neglects
to provide a clear description
of the importance or reference
to the clinical issue is missing
(0-15 points)
Background of the
Clinical Issue
(25 points)
Provides a clear description of
the background of the clinical
(23-25 points)
Provides a limited description
of the background of the
clinical issue.
(21-22 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the background
of the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Little or no reference to the
background of the clinical
(0-18 points)
Potential Negative
Effect of Not
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
(20 points)
Provides a clear description of
the potential negative effect
on the population of interest
of not addressing the clinical
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the potential negative effect
on the population of interest
of not addressing the clinical
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the potential
negative effect on the
population of interest of not
addressing the clinical issue.
(16 points)
Identification of potential
negative effect on the
population of interest of not
addressing the clinical issue
missing completely or lacking
in description.
(0-15 points)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 7
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
Proposed Solution
(20 points)
Provides a clear description of
the proposed solution to the
clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the proposed solution to the
clinical issue.
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the proposed
solution to the clinical issue.
(16 points)
Proposed solution to the
clinical issue missing
completely or lacking in
(0-15 points)
Role of the Nurse
(20 points)
Provides a clear description of
the role of the nurse in
preventing or assisting in
resolving the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the role of the nurse in
preventing or assisting in
resolving the clinical issue.
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the role of the
nurse in preventing or assisting
in resolving the clinical issue.
(16 points)
Role of the nurse in preventing
or assisting in resolving the
clinical issue missing
completely or lacking in
(0-15 points)
Support for the
(30 points)
Provides three or more
references that are peerreviewed
scholarly journals or
other approved sources.
(28-30 points)
Provides two references that
are peer-reviewed scholarly
journals or other approved
(26-27 points)
Provides one reference that is
a peer-reviewed scholarly
journal or other approved
(23-25 points)
Does not provide references
that are peer-reviewed
scholarly journals or other
approved sources.
(0-22 points)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 8
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
APA 6th edition
Format, Grammar
and Punctuation
(20 points)
APA 6th edition format is used
accurately and consistently in
the paper, on the title page, intext
citations, and/or the
Reference page. No errors in
grammar or punctuation.
(19-20 points)
APA 6th edition formatting is
used with1-2 errors, on the
title page, in-text citations,
and/or the Reference page.
Less than 2 errors in grammar
or punctuation.
(17-18 points)
No more than 3-5 errors in
APA 6th edition formatting in
the paper, on the title page, intext
citations, and the
Reference page. No more than
3-5 errors in grammar or
(16 points)
More than 5 errors in APA 6th
edition formatting in the
paper, on the title page, in-text
citations, and/or the Reference
page. More than 5 errors in
grammar or punctuation.
(0-15 points)
Total Points Possible = 200 points

You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Medication Errors

Paper details:
? Introduction-
? Offers a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.
? Identifies the clinical issue which is the topic of the Capstone evidence based clinical paper.
i. A clinical issue or problem drawn from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint:
1. Assurance of a safe and effective care environment
2. Health promotion and maintenance of health
3. Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity
4. Preservation of the patient population ’s physiological integrity
? Patient Population: Identifies the patient population that is impacted by the clinical issue.
? Importance: Explains the importance of the clinical issue to the health of the patient population as well as identify the potential long-term negative effect if the clinical issue is not addressed.
? Exploration of the literature-
? Background: Provide summary of background information in describing the clinical issue:
i. The effect of the clinical issue on the population of interest.
ii. Identifies at least one contributing factor.
iii. Identifies potential negative effects of leaving the clinical issue unresolved.
? Solution to the clinical problem- Propose the best solution for solving the clinical problem that
can be carried out by a nurse through the use of appropriate evidence based data: i. Peer-reviewed journal articles
ii. Scholarly sources
? Reference Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 1
Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines
In this Capstone paper, the student will have the opportunity to reflect on the knowledge and experience
gained in the baccalaureate nursing program. The student will gather background information on a clinical
problem affecting a particular population and will explore the literature in regard to the role nurses play in
addressing or relieving the issue.
CO # 3: Utilize information technology to manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision
making with health team members and consumers of care. (PO# 8)
CO # 4 Integrate critical thinking, clinical reasoning skills, best current evidence, clinical expertise,
and patient/family preferences/values in the implementation of the nursing process. (PO# 4)
Unless otherwise instructed by the faculty, this assignment is due to be submitted in the course drop box no
later the 12 am (midnight) on the Friday of Unit 3. The college’s Late Assignment Policy applies to this
200 points
Ultimately, the student will be required to produce an 8-10 page evidence-based paper addressing a
significant clinical issue. This evidence-based paper is due in two parts. In Part 1 of the Capstone Evidencebased
Paper assignment, due in Unit 3, the student will identify and begin exploring a solution to a clinical
issue. This first paper will provide the basis for, and will become part of, the Capstone Evidence-based
Paper Part 2 due in Unit 6.
• When selecting a clinical issue to be addressed in the assignment, the student is expected to
draw from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint: assurance
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 2
of a safe and effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance of health, the
preservation of the patient’s psychosocial and physiological integrity.
• Length of paper is 3-4 pages excluding the title page and the reference page.
• The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted
according APA 6th edition guidelines.
• Minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of the Capstone
Evidence-based Paper Part 1 assignment. (NOTE: An additional three (3) references will be required
for a minimum of six (6) peer-reviewed scholarly sources in support of the final Capstone Evidencebased
Paper Part 2.)
The assignment will include the following parts:
? Title Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
? Introduction-
? Offers a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.
? Identifies the clinical issue which is the topic of the Capstone evidence based clinical paper.
i. A clinical issue or problem drawn from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN
examination blueprint:
1. Assurance of a safe and effective care environment
2. Health promotion and maintenance of health
3. Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity
4. Preservation of the patient population ’s physiological integrity
? Patient Population: Identifies the patient population that is impacted by the clinical issue.
? Importance: Explains the importance of the clinical issue to the health of the patient population as well
as identify the potential long-term negative effect if the clinical issue is not addressed.
? Exploration of the literature-
? Background: Provide summary of background information in describing the clinical issue:
i. The effect of the clinical issue on the population of interest.
ii. Identifies at least one contributing factor.
iii. Identifies potential negative effects of leaving the clinical issue unresolved.
? Solution to the clinical problem- Propose the best solution for solving the clinical problem that
can be carried out by a nurse through the use of appropriate evidence based data:
i. Peer-reviewed journal articles
ii. Scholarly sources
? Reference Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 3
Points % Description
Introduction 25 12.5% ? Provides a detailed description of the statement of purpose for
the paper
? Identifies the clinical issue that will be discussed in the
Capstone Evidence-based paper
? Defines which one of the four main categories of the NCLEXRN
exam blueprint is impacted by the clinical issue
Identification of the
Patient Population
20 10% ? Identifies the patient population impacted by the clinical issue
Importance of
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
20 10% ? Provides a description of the importance of addressing the
clinical issue on the selected patient population
Background of the
Clinical Issue
25 12.5% ? Provides a background summary of the clinical issue:
o Identifies at least one contributing factor to the clinical
issue in the selected patient population
Potential Negative
Effect of Not
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
20 10% ? Identifies potential negative effects of leaving the clinical
issue unresolved. Among those may be, but not limited to:
o The patient population
o The health care system
o Other negative effects
20 10% ? Proposes the best solution for preventing or helping to resolve
the clinical issue that can be carried out by a nurse
Role of the Nurse 20 10% ? Describes the role the nurse can have in preventing or helping
to resolve the clinical issue
Support for the
30 15% ? Provides a minimum of 3 references retrieved from:
o Peer-reviewed scholarly journals
o Scholarly sources
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 4
Points % Description
APA 6th edition
Format, Grammar
and Punctuation
20 10% ? Uses clear and correct grammar.
? Uses proper sentence structure and flow.
? Adheres to all APA 6th edition formatting guidelines for title
page, margins, and in- text citations.
Total Points = 200
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 5
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
(25 points)
Completely sets the stage for
selecting the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Offers a detailed description of
the statement of purpose for
the paper. Defines which of
the four main categories of the
NCLEX-RN exam blueprint is
impacted by the clinical issue.
(23-25 points)
Begins to set the stage for
selecting the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Identifies most but not all of
the details describing the
statement of purpose for the
paper. Defines which of the
four main categories of the
NCLEX-RN exam blueprint is
impacted by the clinical issue.
(21-22 points)
Minimally addresses the
clinical issue in terms of the
impact on the health of a
patient population. Describes
in general terms the details
describing the statement of
purpose for the paper. Defines
which of the four main
categories of the NCLEX-RN
exam blueprint is impacted by
the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Does not address the clinical
issue in terms of the impact on
the health of a patient
population. Fails to define
which of the four main
categories of the NCLEX-RN
exam blueprint is impacted by
the clinical issue.
(0-18 points)
Identification of the
Patient Population
(20 points)
Patient population clearly
(19-20 points)
Patient population partially
(17-18 points)
Patient population minimally
(16 points)
Identification of patient
population missing completely
or lacking in description.
(0-15 points)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 6
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
Importance of
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
(20 points)
Establishes a clear description
of the importance of
addressing the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the importance of
addressing the clinical issue.
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of addressing the
importance of the clinical
(16 points)
Makes reference to addressing
the clinical issue but neglects
to provide a clear description
of the importance or reference
to the clinical issue is missing
(0-15 points)
Background of the
Clinical Issue
(25 points)
Provides a clear description of
the background of the clinical
(23-25 points)
Provides a limited description
of the background of the
clinical issue.
(21-22 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the background
of the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Little or no reference to the
background of the clinical
(0-18 points)
Potential Negative
Effect of Not
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
(20 points)
Provides a clear description of
the potential negative effect
on the population of interest
of not addressing the clinical
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the potential negative effect
on the population of interest
of not addressing the clinical
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the potential
negative effect on the
population of interest of not
addressing the clinical issue.
(16 points)
Identification of potential
negative effect on the
population of interest of not
addressing the clinical issue
missing completely or lacking
in description.
(0-15 points)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 7
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
Proposed Solution
(20 points)
Provides a clear description of
the proposed solution to the
clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the proposed solution to the
clinical issue.
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the proposed
solution to the clinical issue.
(16 points)
Proposed solution to the
clinical issue missing
completely or lacking in
(0-15 points)
Role of the Nurse
(20 points)
Provides a clear description of
the role of the nurse in
preventing or assisting in
resolving the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the role of the nurse in
preventing or assisting in
resolving the clinical issue.
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the role of the
nurse in preventing or assisting
in resolving the clinical issue.
(16 points)
Role of the nurse in preventing
or assisting in resolving the
clinical issue missing
completely or lacking in
(0-15 points)
Support for the
(30 points)
Provides three or more
references that are peerreviewed
scholarly journals or
other approved sources.
(28-30 points)
Provides two references that
are peer-reviewed scholarly
journals or other approved
(26-27 points)
Provides one reference that is
a peer-reviewed scholarly
journal or other approved
(23-25 points)
Does not provide references
that are peer-reviewed
scholarly journals or other
approved sources.
(0-22 points)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 8
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
APA 6th edition
Format, Grammar
and Punctuation
(20 points)
APA 6th edition format is used
accurately and consistently in
the paper, on the title page, intext
citations, and/or the
Reference page. No errors in
grammar or punctuation.
(19-20 points)
APA 6th edition formatting is
used with1-2 errors, on the
title page, in-text citations,
and/or the Reference page.
Less than 2 errors in grammar
or punctuation.
(17-18 points)
No more than 3-5 errors in
APA 6th edition formatting in
the paper, on the title page, intext
citations, and the
Reference page. No more than
3-5 errors in grammar or
(16 points)
More than 5 errors in APA 6th
edition formatting in the
paper, on the title page, in-text
citations, and/or the Reference
page. More than 5 errors in
grammar or punctuation.
(0-15 points)
Total Points Possible = 200 points

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Medication Errors

Paper details:
? Introduction-
? Offers a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.
? Identifies the clinical issue which is the topic of the Capstone evidence based clinical paper.
i. A clinical issue or problem drawn from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint:
1. Assurance of a safe and effective care environment
2. Health promotion and maintenance of health
3. Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity
4. Preservation of the patient population ’s physiological integrity
? Patient Population: Identifies the patient population that is impacted by the clinical issue.
? Importance: Explains the importance of the clinical issue to the health of the patient population as well as identify the potential long-term negative effect if the clinical issue is not addressed.
? Exploration of the literature-
? Background: Provide summary of background information in describing the clinical issue:
i. The effect of the clinical issue on the population of interest.
ii. Identifies at least one contributing factor.
iii. Identifies potential negative effects of leaving the clinical issue unresolved.
? Solution to the clinical problem- Propose the best solution for solving the clinical problem that
can be carried out by a nurse through the use of appropriate evidence based data: i. Peer-reviewed journal articles
ii. Scholarly sources
? Reference Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 1
Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines
In this Capstone paper, the student will have the opportunity to reflect on the knowledge and experience
gained in the baccalaureate nursing program. The student will gather background information on a clinical
problem affecting a particular population and will explore the literature in regard to the role nurses play in
addressing or relieving the issue.
CO # 3: Utilize information technology to manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision
making with health team members and consumers of care. (PO# 8)
CO # 4 Integrate critical thinking, clinical reasoning skills, best current evidence, clinical expertise,
and patient/family preferences/values in the implementation of the nursing process. (PO# 4)
Unless otherwise instructed by the faculty, this assignment is due to be submitted in the course drop box no
later the 12 am (midnight) on the Friday of Unit 3. The college’s Late Assignment Policy applies to this
200 points
Ultimately, the student will be required to produce an 8-10 page evidence-based paper addressing a
significant clinical issue. This evidence-based paper is due in two parts. In Part 1 of the Capstone Evidencebased
Paper assignment, due in Unit 3, the student will identify and begin exploring a solution to a clinical
issue. This first paper will provide the basis for, and will become part of, the Capstone Evidence-based
Paper Part 2 due in Unit 6.
• When selecting a clinical issue to be addressed in the assignment, the student is expected to
draw from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint: assurance
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 2
of a safe and effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance of health, the
preservation of the patient’s psychosocial and physiological integrity.
• Length of paper is 3-4 pages excluding the title page and the reference page.
• The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted
according APA 6th edition guidelines.
• Minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of the Capstone
Evidence-based Paper Part 1 assignment. (NOTE: An additional three (3) references will be required
for a minimum of six (6) peer-reviewed scholarly sources in support of the final Capstone Evidencebased
Paper Part 2.)
The assignment will include the following parts:
? Title Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
? Introduction-
? Offers a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.
? Identifies the clinical issue which is the topic of the Capstone evidence based clinical paper.
i. A clinical issue or problem drawn from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN
examination blueprint:
1. Assurance of a safe and effective care environment
2. Health promotion and maintenance of health
3. Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity
4. Preservation of the patient population ’s physiological integrity
? Patient Population: Identifies the patient population that is impacted by the clinical issue.
? Importance: Explains the importance of the clinical issue to the health of the patient population as well
as identify the potential long-term negative effect if the clinical issue is not addressed.
? Exploration of the literature-
? Background: Provide summary of background information in describing the clinical issue:
i. The effect of the clinical issue on the population of interest.
ii. Identifies at least one contributing factor.
iii. Identifies potential negative effects of leaving the clinical issue unresolved.
? Solution to the clinical problem- Propose the best solution for solving the clinical problem that
can be carried out by a nurse through the use of appropriate evidence based data:
i. Peer-reviewed journal articles
ii. Scholarly sources
? Reference Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 3
Points % Description
Introduction 25 12.5% ? Provides a detailed description of the statement of purpose for
the paper
? Identifies the clinical issue that will be discussed in the
Capstone Evidence-based paper
? Defines which one of the four main categories of the NCLEXRN
exam blueprint is impacted by the clinical issue
Identification of the
Patient Population
20 10% ? Identifies the patient population impacted by the clinical issue
Importance of
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
20 10% ? Provides a description of the importance of addressing the
clinical issue on the selected patient population
Background of the
Clinical Issue
25 12.5% ? Provides a background summary of the clinical issue:
o Identifies at least one contributing factor to the clinical
issue in the selected patient population
Potential Negative
Effect of Not
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
20 10% ? Identifies potential negative effects of leaving the clinical
issue unresolved. Among those may be, but not limited to:
o The patient population
o The health care system
o Other negative effects
20 10% ? Proposes the best solution for preventing or helping to resolve
the clinical issue that can be carried out by a nurse
Role of the Nurse 20 10% ? Describes the role the nurse can have in preventing or helping
to resolve the clinical issue
Support for the
30 15% ? Provides a minimum of 3 references retrieved from:
o Peer-reviewed scholarly journals
o Scholarly sources
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 4
Points % Description
APA 6th edition
Format, Grammar
and Punctuation
20 10% ? Uses clear and correct grammar.
? Uses proper sentence structure and flow.
? Adheres to all APA 6th edition formatting guidelines for title
page, margins, and in- text citations.
Total Points = 200
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 5
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
(25 points)
Completely sets the stage for
selecting the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Offers a detailed description of
the statement of purpose for
the paper. Defines which of
the four main categories of the
NCLEX-RN exam blueprint is
impacted by the clinical issue.
(23-25 points)
Begins to set the stage for
selecting the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Identifies most but not all of
the details describing the
statement of purpose for the
paper. Defines which of the
four main categories of the
NCLEX-RN exam blueprint is
impacted by the clinical issue.
(21-22 points)
Minimally addresses the
clinical issue in terms of the
impact on the health of a
patient population. Describes
in general terms the details
describing the statement of
purpose for the paper. Defines
which of the four main
categories of the NCLEX-RN
exam blueprint is impacted by
the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Does not address the clinical
issue in terms of the impact on
the health of a patient
population. Fails to define
which of the four main
categories of the NCLEX-RN
exam blueprint is impacted by
the clinical issue.
(0-18 points)
Identification of the
Patient Population
(20 points)
Patient population clearly
(19-20 points)
Patient population partially
(17-18 points)
Patient population minimally
(16 points)
Identification of patient
population missing completely
or lacking in description.
(0-15 points)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 6
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
Importance of
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
(20 points)
Establishes a clear description
of the importance of
addressing the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the importance of
addressing the clinical issue.
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of addressing the
importance of the clinical
(16 points)
Makes reference to addressing
the clinical issue but neglects
to provide a clear description
of the importance or reference
to the clinical issue is missing
(0-15 points)
Background of the
Clinical Issue
(25 points)
Provides a clear description of
the background of the clinical
(23-25 points)
Provides a limited description
of the background of the
clinical issue.
(21-22 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the background
of the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Little or no reference to the
background of the clinical
(0-18 points)
Potential Negative
Effect of Not
Addressing the
Clinical Issue
(20 points)
Provides a clear description of
the potential negative effect
on the population of interest
of not addressing the clinical
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the potential negative effect
on the population of interest
of not addressing the clinical
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the potential
negative effect on the
population of interest of not
addressing the clinical issue.
(16 points)
Identification of potential
negative effect on the
population of interest of not
addressing the clinical issue
missing completely or lacking
in description.
(0-15 points)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 7
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
Proposed Solution
(20 points)
Provides a clear description of
the proposed solution to the
clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the proposed solution to the
clinical issue.
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the proposed
solution to the clinical issue.
(16 points)
Proposed solution to the
clinical issue missing
completely or lacking in
(0-15 points)
Role of the Nurse
(20 points)
Provides a clear description of
the role of the nurse in
preventing or assisting in
resolving the clinical issue.
(19-20 points)
Provides a limited description
of the role of the nurse in
preventing or assisting in
resolving the clinical issue.
(17-18 points)
Attempts to provide a
description of the role of the
nurse in preventing or assisting
in resolving the clinical issue.
(16 points)
Role of the nurse in preventing
or assisting in resolving the
clinical issue missing
completely or lacking in
(0-15 points)
Support for the
(30 points)
Provides three or more
references that are peerreviewed
scholarly journals or
other approved sources.
(28-30 points)
Provides two references that
are peer-reviewed scholarly
journals or other approved
(26-27 points)
Provides one reference that is
a peer-reviewed scholarly
journal or other approved
(23-25 points)
Does not provide references
that are peer-reviewed
scholarly journals or other
approved sources.
(0-22 points)
NR452 Capstone Course
NR452 Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines.docx Revised September 2015 SME-EP/ /CIS-LS 8
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
APA 6th edition
Format, Grammar
and Punctuation
(20 points)
APA 6th edition format is used
accurately and consistently in
the paper, on the title page, intext
citations, and/or the
Reference page. No errors in
grammar or punctuation.
(19-20 points)
APA 6th edition formatting is
used with1-2 errors, on the
title page, in-text citations,
and/or the Reference page.
Less than 2 errors in grammar
or punctuation.
(17-18 points)
No more than 3-5 errors in
APA 6th edition formatting in
the paper, on the title page, intext
citations, and the
Reference page. No more than
3-5 errors in grammar or
(16 points)
More than 5 errors in APA 6th
edition formatting in the
paper, on the title page, in-text
citations, and/or the Reference
page. More than 5 errors in
grammar or punctuation.
(0-15 points)
Total Points Possible = 200 points

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